
Susana Gardner

Susana Gardner is the author of the full-length poetry collections [ lapsed insel weary] (The Tangent Press, 2008), HERSO (Black Radish Books, 2011) and, CADDISH (Black Radish Books, 2013). Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in many online and print publications including Jacket, How2, Puerto Del Sol, and Cambridge Literary Review among others. Her work has also been translated into Icelandic, Italian and French as well as featured in several anthologies, including 131.839 slög með bilum (131,839 keystrokes with spaces) (Ntamo, Finland, 2007) NOT FOR MOTHERS ONLY: Contemporary Poems on Child-Getting and Child-Rearing (Fence Books, 2007), KINDERGARDE: Avant-garde Poems, Stories, and Songs for Children, (Black Radish Books, 2014) and in the forthcoming CITY AND SEA Anthology (Drunken Boat/Frequency Writers, 2016). Her writing is also included in the recently published critical study Curious Disciplines: Mina Loy and Avant-Garde Artisthood by Sarah Hayden. She lives on an island in the northeast where she tends books as well as writes and curates the online poetics journal and experimental press, Dusie.