#MeToo: Rosie Šnajdr

Rosie Šnajdr



Bingo the Drunkman


In arrears: ear-rent for knight errant. Errant night rent by Drunkman erring. Errorprone. Drunkman’s speech wound. Wound round in inner ear. Intertia-reels whirring. Errand of mercy me. Mercy me. O Drunkman I hate you get up


1. Drunkman mercy me. Legitimate object of objection. I am, not he. Unwounding the capacity to wound; avowing the wounds legitimacy. Gendering the wounds legitimacy. I am not he.

2. Drunkman mercy brokes no he-he. No he-he him. Ok, once. Once there was hoo-hoo. A he-he he hoo-hoo. Whopper whorling whoring hoo-hoo. No homo but. No homo but homo butt once. A reel man can slip. A reel man schtick sticking in inertia-reels. A real man can-can. Drunkman can broke no he-he.

3. Marry her. Marry her. Why won’t you? Marry her. You can, you know. It’s fine. I will buy. I will buy you. A drink. No thank you, Drunkman. I hate you get up

4. Drunkman have many ho-ho friend. Homofiend. Homofend. Homofiller. Homofont. A, he-he, hoo-hoo friend. A teen girl screen girl on lustrate. A teen girl screen girl good-friend-time. A her-her. With purple hair. You know her? No? So much incommon, incommoning, incoming, so much in common in coming. Tell me what you do in bed?

5. How do you do? How do you do it? The he-he do in the do-do. Said that did I that I did that once? Once. No homo. How do you do? How do you hoo-hoo do though? How do hoo hoo do the do? Wandering whets the point.

6. The errorman, reels whereing to stimulus us. A semi- semi- semi- seminal premise. Here is the curé. See? A curette to malt our bitter. A wand-waving pasterman’s seminary promise. Teach us a lesson. A bit of who’s your father’s all you need. A bit of how’s father to turn us rite. To turn again. To turn and not turn. Teach us to sit still. That ternary premise—a bit of. Fool. A bit of. Fool. A bit of how’s. Fool—the fool hows.