#MeToo: Jazmine Linklater

Jazmine Linklater



Untitled (Siluetas)


In which woman is a shape
as if shape is a constant
that is and is not circle
should/should not be O

O consents to everything
O is very happy

Consent as liquid
semi-state body, they blame you
for all things in which you are
a lived experience/in which you are not

O lie down, A lie down, B lie down, I lie
down, O lies down, A lies down, B lies down

Light later, factory windows flame
sun sets inside~out
and in this new light I fold
over my self’s befores: unremarkable
dark there, locked doors locking
every day. Bountiful arguments
for belief, in equal profusion against it
        Forgive me, Father, for I have

I lay down

I sought glamour in objects
my house is clad in mirrors
I cannot hear this. Try to
understand: I cannot hear this

O is active in seduction
O is active in passivity

It’s the longing and mystery
in photographs, our texts
drenched at first glance
rivulet limbs wrung
into right angles, written
re-written all the time:
become mercury become silver
become begun, begin again

She is collapsing to her knees
then to her side in a sovereign position

In discarding her will
she becomes mist
perfection transcends personality
cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus

Ascetic, O is whole

I deliquesce, press out
these voices from the inmost parts:
              I want to lie down in the place I am from

in which O is a constant
as if what’s constant is a shape
that is and is not circle
could/could not be


Notes: “Bountiful arguments / for belief, in equal profusion against it,” Karen Solie, “An Abundance”; “We press out these voices / from the inmost parts,” Lisa Robertson, “The Seam”; “Body, they blame you for all things,” Ilya Kaminsky, “Firing Squad”; lines in italics borrowed from Bhanu Kapil, Ban en Banlieue, (New York: Nightboat Books, 2015); title borrowed from artworks by Ana Mendieta.