
Elizabeth Guthrie

Elizabeth Guthrie is a poet and performer living and practicing in the Hudson Valley, NY after having just completed a practice-based PhD in text and performance at the University of East London. She teaches English at SUNY New Paltz and is the founder of Stone Collective, co-editor of Livestock Editions, and curator of the Impossible Reading Series with work appearing in journals including Onedit, RequitedBombay GinAlba LondresOpen Letter, and Fact-Simile. She has a pamphlet, X Portraits, through Crater Press, a chapbook, Yellow and Red, through Black Lodge Press, a collaborative chapbook with Andrew K. Peterson, Between Here and the Telescopes, through Slumgullion Press, and a book entitled Portraits – Captions from Contraband Books along with the forthcoming Portraits – Negatives.